Lil Wayne is accused of lying to get $9M in C.O.V.I.D aid money

Despite claiming otherwise in his application for a $9 million SBA loan during the pаndemic, Lil Wayne is being criticized for his marijuana use.

Business Insider released an article on Monday, March 11, 2021, that examined the 2021 loans given to Post Malone and Weezy in addition to other artists. By suing the SBA under the Freedom of Information Act, the magazine was able to get the documents.

In order for their individual touring firms to be eligible for the subsidies they eventually received, both musicians guaranteed that their respective organizations were a “Ԁrug-free workplace.” However, because Wayne has been transparent about his marijuana use, BI believes this to be deceptive and requested information from the SBA.

The SBA stated that the Ԁrug certification was pretty limited in an email response that was sent out after the article was first published. They claimed it excluded any Ԁrug use that occurred outside of the window from March 2020 to June 2022, as well as the “personal actions” of individuals like Wayne or Post. They are still investigating a few of the loans they have paid back, though.

“An active monitoring and auditing mechanism is in place at the SBA for award recipients. According to the government, SVOG grantees have returned nearly $40 million to date, and more files have been forwarded for continued criminal investigations or civil recoveries. “As of right now, there has been no recovery connected to the Ԁrug-free certification.”

In other news, the lawsuit between Lil Wayne and his former personal chef, which the chef had brought against the rapper for allegedly indulging in wrongful termination, was settled amicably.

As of last Thursday, March 7, the lawsuit was settled, according to documents submitted by Morghan Medlock’s attorney, according to KTLA.

The parties struck a settlement two days before the pertinent paperwork was filed with the Los Angeles County Superior Court; the terms of the settlement were not made public.

The deal brings an end to a protracted and bitter legal strugglе that started in December 2022 when Medlock initially accused Weezy of unfairly firing her from her role as his part-time personal chef. Judge Kristin S. Escalante accepted the terms of the settlement.

The problem started, according to Medlock, when she went to Las Vegas with Wayne for Memorial Day and had to abruptly leave after learning that her ten-year-old had been hospitalized due to a head ιnjury.

She took a different flight even though they all boarded Wayne’s private plane to return to Los Angeles, allegedly due to his smoking, which significantly delayed the journey. Given that she had been working for the rapper for two years, Medlock thought that the rapper’s staff would be understanding of her circumstances. However, Medlock claimed that she was fired instead.

According to the documents, Medlock was given the cold shoulder when she attempted to return to work after Wayne’s staff kept asking her if she was quitting following the event, even though she had claimed she wasn’t. She eventually received official notice that she was being let go.

The ex-chef claims that her dismissal was unlаwful due to a California statute that prohibits firing someone for skipping work to tend to a sick or injured child. She requested damages of $500,000.