From a humble boy to a multibillionaire today: Vіnіcіus Jr finally owns a €41.5M mansion complete with a nightclub and football stadium

Vinncus Jr. will have ample opportunity to utilize his spare time upon relocating to BrazĖl.


Vинсus Jr. may endeavor to maximize his vacation time and his newly acquired residence in BrazĖl, given the imminent conclusion of the 2022–2023 season. The Real Madrid striker recently obtained the ball following three years of training on it, according to the Brazilian national and sports press.




He invested more than four million euros in order to acquire a residence in the prestigious Barra da Tģjuca neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, which is situated in the central area of the city. As the exterior or face of the building is still under construction by approximately twenty employees, all aspects are not yet finalized.

The initial mage presented (and displayed in the slide show atop) behold a vast estate comprised of a multitude of expansive chambers. A notable attribute of the auditorium is its expansive game room, which concurrently functions as a repository for the winners’ trophies.



Voncus Jr. consistently engages in physical exercise at his spacious and adequately equipped gym in order to maintain his body in optimal condition. Undoubtedly, the grande discothèque, meticulously crafted to emulate a prototypical nightclub, showcased a pulsating dance floor, an extensive bar, and cozy sofas ideal for unwinding. It was not the least bit impressive attraction of the trip. You are permitted to run with the ball on the outside football field even on days when there is no practice.